
Home Decor Tips to Ace your Summer Game

18 May 2023

Our homes, built using concrete, become no less than hot kilns during summers. The sweltering heat makes stepping out of your home and carrying out day to day duties quite a task! No doubt, we are turning to air conditioners, fans and coolers to help us keep our calm.

While these devices help in keeping us cool and enhance our productivity levels during the peak summer season, using them for long periods leads to inflated electricity bills, which can topple the family budget. And let’s not forget the resultant increased greenhouse gas emissions, which cause additional environmental damage.

How to decorate your home this summer?

Here are a few easy tips, and decoration for home to beat the summer heat. With these simple summer decor ideas, you can not just ace your home decor game, but also achieve a comfortable indoor temperature without entirely depending on air conditioners.

Keep the rooms dark:

One of the simplest ways to bring in a new breather, whilst on a budget is to add some shade to your room. Invest in dark coloured cotton curtains or blinds that can be drawn shut to keep light and heat away. Shading the room right from morning will ensure that your space stays shielded from sunlight all day,and will hence remain relatively cooler.

Introduce a cool roof area:

Your terrace or roof can be the number one reason for a warm home. If you live in an independent house, or a row house or maybe on the top floor of the building, paint the roof with cool roof paint. Using white coloured floor tiles or a coat of limewash can bring down temperatures. You can also add shades in your balcony to create a cool seating area to enjoy the evening breeze.

Open your windows during sunset:

Opening your windows at the right time, will help you make the most of the cool evening breeze. It will lower the temperature of your home and make it cooler and more comfortable for the night ahead. Open up every door in your house in the evening, including your bathroom, bedroom and closet doors. This will further help to dissipate the heat which has built up during the day and reduce the overall temperature of your home.

Seal all the gaps:

Make use of sealants or foam insulation to close all the gaps between your doors or windows and walls, to make sure that cool air does not escape outdoors. Hot air tends to penetrate through the gaps and hence, it is advisable to block them during the peak hours of the day.

Add some plants near your windows and outdoors:

Potted plants, too, can work wonders during the season. Bring in some large decorative or potted plants and keep them in your balcony or close to your windows. These plants will end up absorbing most of the heat in the room and create a cooling effect around them. Additionally, they are one of the most popular decor items to add for a lively and colourful home.

Use cool and energy efficient lights:

While hot incandescent bulbs bring in the old vintage charm to the room, they also end up heating the space. Use LEDs, fluorescent lights, and other light bulbs that are energy efficient and cooler than traditional bulbs. Also make sure to switch off all electrical appliances, when not in use.

Revamping your home to a cooler summer abode doesn't have to be an expensive affair. Using these hacks and a few simple additions (like a dehumidifier) can help you beat the summers.

At Paranjape Schemes, we excel at building spaces and abodes that are designed amidst nature, and which help you keep cool all year long. Our builds, spread across 9 cities in India stand tall as a testimony of your dreams coming true. To know more about us and what we do, visit today!

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